The worst movie EVER!

The graphics are cheap, it's boring, but I love it!


I don't think it's all that boring but you're right, it's terribly cheap!
I saw it for the first time a couple of weeks ago, I found it in a store for $4.00. My kids and I love watching it and laughing at the terrible acting and cheesy special effects.
The guy in the polar bear suit is a scream!
Dropo is good for some laughs. I knew he looked familiar, he played the CEO of the company in "Mr. Destiny" with Jim Belushi.
The children's acting is wooden and very non-improvisational. We laugh at the way they fake-laugh in the movie.
The music is irritatingly catchy.
This is going to be a new Christmas tradition in my house where we all sit around and make fun of the movie. Kind of like our own little Mystery Science Theater 3000 show.


Ha, exactly. I found it at the dollar store at Christmas-time, and it instantly became the new Christmas movie tradition. It's SO ridiculous, you can't help absolutely adoring the horrible-ness of it all.


Dropo is good for some laughs. I knew he looked familiar, he played the CEO of the company in "Mr. Destiny" with Jim Belushi.

He also played Uncle Wally on Sesame Street.



It was on MST 3000. 1988...



ya i saw it on like the family channel last christmas! me and my daa were like "omg!! is this mst? but we clicked on it and it was the original, oh well it was still funny cuz i knew what jokes went were!!

Murph:Were good!
Connor:Yes we are!
-Boondock Saints


and they dont take themselves seriously so it can be funny


As horrible as this movie is, it is NOT the worst movie ever. At least it had opening credits (albeit misspelled,) the shots were in focus with a camera that could shoot more than 30 seconds of footage at a time, and the audio was reasonably clear. Manos, the Hands of Fate had none of those qualities. In my book, the movie has to fail on every aspect of filmmaking to be considered the worst.


Oh, and can somebody tell what a "Radio Box" or a "Radar Box" is? The kids his in one of those on the spaceship? WTF?



i hate this movie. it scared the *beep* out of me when i was a kid. i had nightmares for years...


I bought this at the Dollar Tree and in decent quality.

I like this movie because it's nostalgic. I grew up seeing it as a Christmas alternative to the mainstream stuff (which does get on your nerves after awhile). Yes, it's quite cheezy, but memorable.

Certainely not the "worst" movie ever. The SciFi channel has a bunch of movies fighting for that position ("Decoys" to name a few).

SCCTM is great when you're nostalgic for the campy side of holiday cheer.



The Christmas classic is on right now; Channel 334 on DirecTV. Excellent stuff.

I'm surprised nobody has mentioned the newscaster at the opening of the movie, Ned Wertimer - Ralph the Doorman on "The Jefferson's." As soon as I heard his voice I checked on here and sure enough, it's old Ralph, George Jefferson's good buddy.

This show needs to become a regular Christmas feature on some major channel. KH.


probably not "regular" but last christmas they were showing it a few times on the family channel, it was pretty funny seeing it w/o joel and the bots!!

Murph:Were good!
Connor:Yes we are!
-Boondock Saints


my dad got it at target for a buck. he remembered seeing trailers for it, and being the nut that he is, how couldn't he buy it? now i'm all excited to see it....

who doesn't love campy holiday cheer?


I bought it for a dollar too at Target. Ther are some Red Skelton Christmas clips on it for filler. Also got a double feature for a dollar there also...Destroy all Monsters and White Gorilla. Wonder if they'll do a remake of this gem??? (shudder)



I'm glad to know I'm not alone! I got the 50 classic scifi collection (with the horror collection, but that's not important). This was the first movie I watched on it, and must say that I loved it (I'm kind of tired of newer movies taking themselves so seriously).

For some reason, this movie is so horrible, I can't help but love it!


haha its the first movie i watched from that set too


I got this piece of crap for my birthday in May 2004 as a joke, and I haven't even thought about putting it in my DVD player yet.

Go Spidey 3
Premiers '06


I plan on viewing every one of the bottom 100 (yes, before you ask, I am a bit of a masochist) before I can make such a statement, but at this point in time, it is the worst movie I've ever seen.

Rollerball comes close, though.


"The Beast of Yucca Flats" makes SCCTM look like "Gone with the wind".

GREAT stuff!


I love the jaw-dropping shoddiness of this brain-numbing atrocity. The guy in the hilariously fake polar bear outfit in particular is an absolute tacky riot.

I'm a totally bitchin' bio writer from Mars!


Why do I remember this one?

It was a Saturday afternoon in San Diego around 1964. My mom took my brother and me to see this movie at a seedy theater in nearby El Cajon. The floor was sticky with spilled sodas. Trash was everywhere.

Apparently a lot of parents would just drop off their kids at the theater for the afternoon, unattended. About 2/3 of the way through the movie, a lot of kids were getting bored and restless -- running up and down the aisles, yelling, laughing, throwing food, playing tag, whatever. They got so loud you couldn't hear the movie.

The manager finally stopped the film, turned up the lights, and marched down to the front of the theater. Basically he said "IF YOU KIDS DON'T CALM DOWN AND TAKE YOUR SEATS, WE WON'T SHOW THE REST OF THE MOVIE!!" After about five minutes he re-started the movie (I think).

It's a fond childhood memory that has stuck with me for 50 years. Probably my worst movie experience ever, in more ways than one -- since I thought the movie itself was just plain stupid.
