I like this movie.

I'm not sayings it's a classic or anything. But as children's oriented holiday films go it's pretty good.


I do too. I've watched it around Christmastime for the past 3 years and it gets better each time. It is cheerful, bizarre, and great fun to watch.

I've been waiting for you, Ben.


We watched it last Christmas and the whole family got a kick out of it. We had a lot of stuff happen this Christmas, otherwise I think we would have watched it again. I've got it on DVD. I'm sure we'll watch it next Christmas.


I've only ever seen bits of this movie when it's been on TV. I have it on a DVD collection and someday I'll watch the whole thing start to finish. No, I don't expect much because it is as michaelward15 said, "children's oriented" movie. Even so, I'm sure its not every child's favorite, so to those that have seen it and liked it, more power to you.

The guy playing Santa Claus seems all right -- his two Earthling sidekicks, no so much.

I came to this page to see what the budget was.

Merry Christmas anyway!

"Please use elevator, stairs stuck between floors."


This movie will always have a place in my heart. Nothing like being a kid and looking forward to this movie every year. Not big budget or the greatest acting. Nothing you have to ask your parents to explain. It's down right silly. Perfect for a kid!

Terrible things Lawrence. You've done terrible things.



Most cops are good cops and good people. Shame on you for your Ferguson attitude.

I hope you get pulled over and profiled by a bad cop and get "the Rodney King treatment".

Shame on you.


I enjoyed it too. Santa is likeable and the martians are fun.
