Did a stage version of this!

Around Christmas 1978, we did a stage version of this for our Christmas play. Natch, as STAR WARS was the rage, they changed the names of the Martians to C-3PO (My role. I was the Martian who kidnapped Santa!), R2-D2, etc. They gave me a helmet w/ flashing light - I think I got the role due to the fact I'm good w/ cound effects.

Sadly, my sound effects were forgotten due to the fact our Santa, who was skinny as a rail, had his costume fall down during the middle of the performance, and everyone saw his matchstick legs! (And I was matching Olivier at the tender age of 14!)

Years later, I found a VHS copy of this classic film, and took it to Santa's house.

We both agreed our play was so much better.

This year, we're having a reunion of our class, which, due to the fact it's a small country school, had a class of 14. I'm giving them all copies of the film, which I doubt they know about.

"So what else is on your mind besides 100 proof women, 90 proof whiskey, and 14 karat gold?"


That's awesome, man!
I'd have loved to be there.
The film copies are gonna be a hit, trust me.

First came the days of the plague...


It was interesting, to say the least.

Santa's pants fell down in the middle of the performance, and he was skinny as a rail. LOL!

My costume was a firefighter's asbsestos suit. My feet wound up being black as coal.

"So what else is on your mind besides 100 proof women, 90 proof whiskey, and 14 karat gold?"


Did a stage version of this! - ScarletPimpernel64

I've seen a stage version of this, done by adults who did it as an affectionate parody of the film. This was at a repertory theater in Fullerton, California, called the Maverick Theatre, about two years ago. I think it's become an annual event.

This same theater also does stage versions of Plan 9 from Outer Space, done with tongue very firmly in cheek, and Night of the Living Dead, done straight-up and quite effectively.

"Music begins where words leave off." - Village wisdom
