'off liquids'

2 times the notion of not drinking liquids came up....

once in the beauty salon when the psycho woman declined tea b/c she said she was "off liquids"

again when the psychiatrist told Jo to cut down on liquids as much as possible.

Any ideas what this is? A 1960's thing?


Maybe something they had to do before getting a hysterectomy???


My take on the off-liquids comment, particularly in the Hairdressers scene, was that the woman (brilliantly played by Yootha Joyce) was on anti-depressants and had to limit her fluid intake.


No, the "off-liquids" recommendstion was definitely referring to her revommendation by her doctor, who was set to perform a hysterectomy on Jo, even though she really didn't want one. Remember when Yootha Joyce says, "they take it away, you know...they take it all away"...she was referring to the hysterectomy she had had, and was clearly feeling unfeminine and "ugly". She even asked if she thought she was a pretty woman, because she felt that she had lost all her womanhood after having had the operation.
