Susie Higgins

Has got to be one of the dumbest female characters in cinematic history to keep falling for that guy, especially when she knows exactly what's coming.

If we don't fight them now, then we are going to lose to them later.


Yes but she is gorgeous!


It's dated, so it will never meet the current standards for some women (hopefully more than not) today. I agree, she isn't scheming to get him, but wants to fall in love and have a life with a man committed to someone else.
Edit: my post is about Maggie not Susie, sorry. I also think she believed him because he didn't act shady. How do you protect yourself when you believe you are getting what you want.

Your second life is never like your first. Sometimes it's even better


I'm not sure why you'd single out only one of these women. To me they're all portrayed as pretty stupid. They're all chasing essentially the same kind of men, reluctant suitors.

Maggie goes around chasing a man she knows is married then has the audacity to tell his wife off. Susie is a dumb cluck. She's been warned about the guy by people she should trust, her friend and his own mother, and she's seen him in action but she presses on. Fran runs off and sleeps with her doctor. She barely knows anything about him but has made up her mind he's the one for her. Talk about gold-digger.

It's supposed to be a happy ending but I think it's rather pathetic. We're led to believe these men have come to appreciate and value these women but what they see is a good thing. The doctor's no idiot, he wants to keep getting laid. Fran is willing. Both Susie and Maggie end up with known womanizers who go through women like the cigarettes they smoke and drinks they drink incessantly; one after another. Maggie ends up with the default guy who she all but ignored the entire time time until she needed something. Now he's got the big job and it's him all the way.

These dumb dizzies think the guys are now reformed? How ridiculous, they're all on their way to being the next Jane Barton; the long suffering wife who is fully aware of her husband's infidelities but stays put and even fights for him.

All three women hang their heads and are ready to run home when they don't get their way but in march their loser men and all is well. They have no self-worth, no self-respect. They're supposed to be these modern women, having fun, living life in Europe but they're just the same old, run-of-the-mill, desperate women trying to hook a man who will marry them; who cares if he's husband material or not. The title of the movie clearly refers to the men in the movie and not the women as it was obviously intended.

Woman, man! That's the way it should be Tarzan. [Tarzan and his mate]


If I remember correctly, her man was the most scandalous and terrible. Also, there can only be one top dumb. As for them being modern women, during the time period gals were always considered most virtuous and successful if they marry a man of a certain prestigue. Change is an extensive process, and sometimes older movies are enough to make you groan for days...

Everyone wants to be with someone that is passionate, interesting, and charismatic; to get such an individual to willingly wrap a ring around your finger is implied to be a victorious win. Even in today's world I see women, all around me, every day be wooed by utter cads and truly believe that the they have been thoroughly reformed.

It's a recurring trope that a woman can change an unruly playboy, henceforth, deeming her as some sort of blessed sun-child that is redeemable and worthy enough to hold the proverbial key to his heart. When in reality, the guy is just an appealing douchebag that manages to keep his extracurriculars on the down low. All the while the girl plays the fool as she believes that she is still the heroine to a deluded storyboard that she has developed in her head that has been perpetuated by just about every outlet imaginable.

Marriage can be a beautiful union that entails a lifetime of happiness. However, it is constantly used as an inexplicable agenda to give women the idea that it is the ultimate cornerstone of their lives. Several societies tend to make a marital union a big main focus amongst its people (which it mainly appears to work as some sort of power move). So, naturally it's going to be assimilated within a culture to the fullest extent. Consequently, much like everything else (celebrity/material/vanity obsessions),such a notion can eventually become overbearing when exposed in certain venues.

In those days, it was the norm for women to marry- they considered themselves lucky that their men weren't boring. Many women paid attention and followed suit and made their way to the assembly line to the slaughterhouse of a doomed marriage. Year after year thinking that they must soldier on. However, many other women paid attention too-but they chose to try to formulate a different perception of what we can do with our lives. Although great strides were made, the movement seems to be reverting back to as many women chose not to marry for love or true companionship, but rather believe that it is what they are intended to do with their lives and/or those who are willing to put up with a ridiculous individual for the reason of superficial stability.

I can not say that I did not nearly fall for it in my youth. It's pretty hard to see, but it's a usually a good rule of thumb to at least wait until you can legally enjoy champagne on your wedding day. Thankfully, the man that I was engaged to decided to postpone our engagement so that he could get the partying life out of his system. No sarcasm intended, that statement saved my life; and for that, I consider what he did honorable. That request had shaken my 19-year-old self to the core, waking me up to realize that I should focus on school and finding myself. So we broke up, remained friends, and experienced the world as we wanted to. My ignorance stemmed from the values that my mother had inherited from her Greek family where the women were to cook and pop out babies; add a culture that surrounded me with cheap romantic sentiments (that time and time again implored me that I must marry a guy that I have to change by being the perfect girl) and you have an individual whose judgment is terribly impaired.

I am not the only one, unfortunately though, I am one of the lucky ones that was graced with a wake up call that aided me to avoid certain disaster. Silly really...

Whaddya gonna do.

If we don't fight them now, then we are going to lose to them later.

