Blu-Ray Release

Has there been any word on when we can exspect these movies to be out on Blu-Ray? im just in love with Blu-Ray quality that I cannot wait til the No Name trilogy gets released fully digitally restored and all :)


i hope its released all in one like the godfather was.


Well so anyway it has been released in europe atleast but only fistful atm, the other once will likely follow soon, I got some screenshot out of the movie here for you to see.

Looks pretty damn good. but I would like to point out that I captured the frames in jpeg. file format so it acturlly looks a bit better when it's acturly playing in a blu ray player on the HD TV or just at the computer. the jpeg file format is not the highest quality picture format but it's good enough for you to understand that it looks great! :)

I posted this on the tgbu board too :)


So far only The Good The Bad And The Ugly has been released in America on Blu.

A Fistful Of Dollars is available as a European import, which DOES contain English audio.

For A Few Dollars More is also available as a European import but DOES NOT have English audio/subs.

"Why do movie stars think we want to watch them play poker?" -Hank Hill



There's a screenshot comparison here -pugno-di-dollari/screenshots/

between the various DVD releases and the Italian Blu-Ray. Makes the MGM discs look really crappy in comparison (and not just because they are just DVDs). Although I suppose the colors can be argued about, what are the right ones.
