Don't be too greedy

This movie is labeled as a horror movie.
This isn't a typical horror movie. Not really even a supernatural movie.
However, something is going on.
I compare it more the Japanese movies about the supernatural that teach lessons.

This is one of my favorites I have seen in this genre.


Godewey! Of course, I find you here! I just watched this. I recorded it last weekend and just finished watching it. I haven't seen a lot of Japanese movies but I'm trying. I really liked this one. No it's not horror but that scene where the mom goes down the well to get the mask is pretty horrifying. All those bones! She was the real deal, a serial killer! When she peeled the mask off and the man had all those sores, I thought it would be plague. It went in a totally different direction than I expected. I do like all the scenes with the tall grass, kind of creepy, ala children of the corn.


I knew you'd eventually show up. ;)

I saw this was on last weekend but didn't record it. Since I had just saw it recently. I kind of wish I did now.
There's a lot of older Japanese movies that are this style. Old stories to teach you a lesson.
This one kind of follows this.
She was a serial killer and very good at her job. Both were actually.

Those outside scenes with the grass blowing in the wind really put it over the top.
I couldn't imagine running through there at night.

Along with this one they also showed Ugetsu. Did you record that one too?
Ugetsu is even better. IMO More of a real supernatural feel. It also teaches a lesson.


Yes, I recorded it. I've never seen that one either. I always see it on people's lists of favorite movies so I thought I'd give it a shot. I don't know a single thing about it except that it's Japanese. The black and white photography in Onibaba was just beautiful with the sharp focus. Ben Man. said the director, Shindo, was actually an art director before he became a film director so his films have a distinct look. He lived to be 100 and his last film was in 2012! Amazing.


Wow 100. Sounds a lot like Mitchum, was able to work up until the very end.

I don't see how either one of these movies would be as good if they were color.
It certainly added to the ambiance.

I've seen thousands of foreign movies from all over the world.
I think Japanese movies are my favorite. Especially the older ones.
So much history and culture. Even the samurai movies are very seldom about fighting.
I just watched one that was 4 hours long and there was hardly
any fighting. I think sometimes people shy away because they thing they will nothing but war and fighting.

More about honor and dignity.
