I really like this movie

Well i have a thing with meeting someone on vacation i think it is so romantic! :) plus i love a good mystery



Um i have it someone made a copy of it for me a long time ago. idonno i watched it for the first time in the summer and got hooked i think u can buy it lots of places, if you really want it try ebay, you can find everything on there




I love this movie, it is so cute, and Peter McEnery is gorgeous in every way- why can't guys nowadays be like him? This movie makes me want to go to Greece. And I'm pretty sure this dvd is out now...I know it's on VHS.

"No, he's a pirate." -Elizabeth Swann



Yes, i believe its his eyes and everyother thing about him.... what i hate about old movies like this is that if you think someone is gorgeous in it.... by the time ur alive that person is already anchent... they just dont make them the same... with te amazing eyes... Ahhhh!

What Happens, happens. Go Ahead Just Dance in front of Your Mirror!


In the sixteen years since you wrote that post I hope you have stopped beginning sentences with "Um" and started using capital letters.


No Message


If you like the idea of meeting and falling in love on holiday, you should see the movie 40 Carats. An oldie, 1973, with Liv Ullmann and Edward Albert. You have to be a real romantic to swallow it whole, but if you are, it is a delight!


I agree Peter McEnery was very hot in this movie!


peter was alright.he wasnt gorgeous...
i got my copy off ebay but they sell them on amazon.com or even hmv.co.uk


x_(*)Theres no [business] like [showbusiness](*)_x


I agree he is soo hot in this movie. I love the Nikki and Mark realationship in this movie. One of my favorite movies.


Mine too for sure!!


Love this movie too! Watched it on Disney Plus channel; it’s so good!!


I like it too. This is one of my favorite Disney films. 🩷
