MovieChat Forums > Kaidan (1965) Discussion > JUST LIKE tales from the darkside the mo...

JUST LIKE tales from the darkside the movie

the woman of the woods story is just like the gargoyle story in tales from the darkside the movie! the difference is the wife and kids dont turn into gargoyles and kill the husband/father! lololol i loved the baby gargoyles ..HILARIOUS



Yeah you should check it out. The gargoyles look utterly hilarious!

"Hansel. So hot right now. Hansel."


yep people on TFTDS board are talking all about this movie


Typical hollywood blatant movie swipe, I'm sure there was no credit listing for that story like "inspired by the film Kaidan" uninspired hackneyed morons. There ought be a law against blatant story infringement by hollywood.





I haven't seen that other one, but it sounds like if it was also based on the Japanese folk tale as recorded in 1903 by Lafcadio Hearn, it was much more disloyal to the original than Kobayashi's one.

Bilbo was MEANT to blindly stumble into that quest, in which case you too were MEANT to do as I say


I saw this on TCM last night, and yes, I agree that the Woman In The Snow story or whatever is was is just like the Gargoyle segment in Tales From The Darkside: The Movie. This one had a happier ending.


Well, this film was made first, and the story predates whatever story you're talking about (I haven't seen the film), so I still think it would be more accurate to say the inverse. Or indeed, maybe they pulled a Magnificent Seven, we're less honest about it, and got away with it because this film is Japanese.

Bilbo was MEANT to blindly stumble into that quest, in which case you too were MEANT to do as I say


I thought Kwaidan was amazing, but the Tales from the Darkside story that was taken from this movie was way more tragic and dramatic.

Did you see the look on the faces of the two guys when they first see the gargoyle? The acting was spot-on as far as terrified performances is concerned. They looked absolutely frightened... and rightfully so. Kwaidan is a much better movie, but I've always loved that gargoyle story in TFTD. It scared the *beep* out of me when I was a child.

I'm not a control freak, I just like things my way


I have to agree. The gargoyle story used to scare the piss out of me when I was a kid. Now when i watch it and the kids turn into gargoyles though, it makes me crack up.

"Every nation, big or small, has its strong and weak points."


I saw Tales from The Darkside The Movie in theaters when i was 8/9 and creeped me out then i saw this in 99 and realized that TFTD's Lover's Vow story was influenced by this movie.

"You killed Captain Clown, YOU KILLED CAPTAIN CLOWN"-The Joker
