Actual Release?

I can remember seeing this movie at the Majestic Theatre in Dallas which was a first run theater from the 30s to the 60s. I remember the girl I had a date with and I was driving so the year had to have been 1968. That means the film was released 4 years after having been made.


It was released 4 years after it was made. Because it was orignally supposed to be a made for TV movie (the first made for tv movie, actually), but it ended up being far too violent to show on television, so after it sat around for a while, they eventually released it in theaters.


"I don't do happy, I do sad or angry" - Nick Cave



I saw "The Killers" in a theatre while in the Navy stationed in Key West. It was March or April 1965...


I amazed how many people do not understand simple concepts such as film releases and re-releases. The film did NOT "sit around a few years" as the other poster contends (weirdly stating that this was due to it's being originally a TV movie [huh ??!!]). It was released in July of 1964, and had a limited re-release after Reagan became governor of California. The poster should get his facts straight instead of posting speculation, and misinformation, as fact!


Well, that being said, it WAS originally intended to be the first made-for-tv-movie. And obviously, 1964 NBC turned it down for being too violent.

A lot of strange things happen in this world. Things you don't know about in Grand Rapids.


The Killers got a theatrical release in Europe - I have a couple of really cool German and Belgian cinema posters (paid a bundle for one of them).
