
I've never read any confirmation of this, but I've always thought that Killers '64 must have influenced Tarantino. The flashbacks in 'Reservoir Dogs' are similar to the ones here, and there seems to be A LOT of Charlie and Lee in Jules and Vincent. Any thoughts/insights, folks?

The [email protected]


Yes! I've always said that. Does'nt Mr. blonde say to Mr. white, "you must be a big Lee Marvin fan" ?


How about the ending influencing Scorcese's THE DEPARTED which has a quite different end result than INFERNAL AFFAIRS which it is based on.

Jerry Kovar, 42nd Street Memories


Definitely there's an influence in the portrayal of the two hitmen as well as the structure. The Killer's is a better film than Resevoir Dogs though.


No it isn't a better film, and the flashbacks are nothing alike.

In reservoir dogs they are in a non-linear fashion and in non-chronological order - that isn't the case in this movie.
