What happens to the chambermaid?

What happens to her in the end? Does she actually figure out Joeseph was responsible or does she have doubts when he is let go? Who were the fascists? The servants or the employers? Or both? Wasn't Joeseph a servant?


IMO Celestine is sure that Joseph was the raper and killer. I think like Celestine, but I can't be sure about Joseph's being guilty, nobody can.
Joseph and the sexton were the fascists, but also the general had some traces of anti-semitism and facist ideas.
Yes Joseph was a servant who happened to be a fascist, actually involved with a fascist organization.


The director wants to give a picture of the society where you can find fascists and fascistic behaviors both at rich and powerful people and at poor workers.

I couldn't figure out what the chambermaid was thinking in the end and I don't think that we could say for sure that Joseph was the killer.


The movie makes abundantly clear that Joseph is the murderer. He looks at the little girl, tells her to watch out for "wolves", then looks to his left, looks to his right, makes sure no one is watching, parks his carriage (or whatever his horse-led car is called) and then runs after the girl. Immediately after, we see a wild boar-like animal and a small rabbit; these images are supposed to mean that we have left civilization and are in the wilderness, and also these animals represent Joseph and Claire, respectively. And the very next scene shows the girl unconscious on the floor, her clothes torn. There's no doubt of what happened.

Remember, before movies became dumbed down with explicit violence and gore, that's how these type of events were portrayed.



Yes, and in addition we see a shot of a man's legs lying on the ground with snails crawling on them. (Claire had been collecting snails and even offered them to Joseph when they met on the outskirts of the woods.)

I must say that my modern pea-brain was longing for some evidence that would link Joseph to the murder. Even with the metal tap from his shoe they didn't have enough evidence? Bunglers!


My thought was that the legs belonged to Claire who was collecting the snails. They seemed small and looked like they were covered with stockings.

He was on Planet Earth the whole time!


correct. that was claire's legs.


I totally agree with your interpretation, sim. You're right on the money, and it couldn't be said better!

He was on Planet Earth the whole time!


Agreed that the movie makes it clear that Joseph is the murderer.

I think the pained look on Celestine's face when she hears that Joseph may be released isn't self-doubt at all -- rather it's "Oh no, I've tried to bring justice to this situation and now it's slipping away." Pure dread.
