kill her?

What was the matter with this guy? He gets the most beautiful women in NY, She loves him, she cooks for him she's all over him and he wants her


How about the fact that she entrapped him into the marriage against his will? Holding him to vows she knows he made while he was so drunk that he can’t remember any of it. Is that her definition of “love” ? Sneaking into a marriage by deceit ? Could even be a green card scam. Notice she later uses her status to bring her mother into the country as well. She also uses her dishonestly obtained “wife” status to take over the apartment which Stanley bought and paid through his own talent and labor and then completely redecorates it without so much as consulting him. Now just imagine the audience’s reaction if the roles had been reversed and husband behaved that way. But Stanley is supposed to just laugh it all off and accept her outrageous behavior because of her looks ? Give me a break! Of course this doesn’t justify murder but it sure justifies a swift annulment which was Stanley’s initial (and correct) reaction to the scam his wife was running.


well that certainly is not my take on it. An Italian women who would like to stay in America, Ok agree with that part. She takes a job as a cake lady since that is all she can get as she tries to stay. Then that evening her dreams come true. A well to do American is all over her for the evening and proposes to her. Sure it maybe a ticket but more like her dream come true. From that point on she is in love, always grateful for her good fortune and tries her best to show it as a good Italian wife would. Cooking for him, wanting to be with him and looking great. She does love him and is doing her best for him. If not she would only take and never give.


He didn't want to kill his wife. He wanted to kill Mrs. Bannerman, the wife in the comic strip. He had fallen in love with his wife. He didn't like the direction the comic strip was going. He always carefully researched what he did in the comics, to see if it was possible. He never intended to murder his wife in reality.


Stanley knew he was lucky to have Virna Lisa. Not only is she a knockout butt takes care of him. Even Terry-Thomas accepted her Athens.


Brannigan. She'd have been a great wife if not for Clare Trevor's character.


He killed the comicversion of her so that his comicself can go back to be a secret agent. He didn't want to kill her in real life.

I think that you totally misunderstood that and maybe should actually watch something and think about it first before you fly into a misguided rage.

Prepare to be judged....with a FGM-148 Javelin!
