Albert Vitti - Permitee

Just who the hell was ALBERT VITTI, anyway? In the scene with the dead drunk hanging out of the car window, on the wall behind him is the sign "ALBERT VITTI - PERMITEE". Ever since the movie, I've carried Al Vitti with me all over the world, for over 40 years now, in my pocket, and I STILL use him as an excuse/alibi for anything that goes wrong! ("Vitti did it!" "It's Vitti's fault!", and so on!) He;s taken on a life of his own, so to speak, but I never did find out from Iselin & Tenney (They never answered my letters, the bastards!) Who Vitti really was! For a while, it was a quest, to quote Eulabelle: "I don't know, Let's check!" If anyone knows the real origin of that name, and who it belonged to, let me know, ok? I'm Gary at [email protected], and I'd really like to know! It's one of the great unanswered mysteries of my life!!! Help Me Here!


I haven't the slightest idea who Albert Vitti is, but I suspect it's the name of the fellow who owned the bar where the scene of the two drunks getting killed by the sea monsters was filmed. It probably indicates that Albert Vitti was permitted to sell liquor in his establishment, which would be an important sort of permission to get if you're going to run a cocktail lounge . . .

Of course I could always be wrong. I often am.


Hi Ted again,

I am doing some research and I contacted the State of Connecticut Liquor Licenseing Dept. and I spoke to a gentleman there that said he would try to research the name and date and place and see what he can find out and email me. I will forward any information to you that I receive.

