Jill Masterson


It's hard to believe that James Bond would carelessly cause her death by Goldfinger by using her for his surveillance of him during the card game in Miami. What did he really expect Auric to do? Merely snap a pencil??


Im sure Bond never mean't to do any harm to her.


While I doubt he expected her death, Bond lives in a world filled with death and carnage. He's always prepared for the worst and uses assets, like Jill, to complete his missions. Not that he's completely unfeeling and uncaring, but he can be quite inured and cruel. It's likely he knew that harm or death were probabilities and took the chance anyway.


Goldfinger was the best bond villain because he had this outside appearance of being an awkward-type teddy bear. But like a bear he had claws that could kill. It comes out best when he says "I expect you to die!"


Goldfinger was the best bond villain because he had this outside appearance of being an awkward-type teddy bear. But like a bear he had claws that could kill. It comes out best when he says "I expect you to die!"

Good point.
