Overly happy girls?

The one thing that I always found funny about "Goldfinger" was that in every scene that featured Pussy Galore's Flying Circus team, all the girls always had a goofy grin on their face.

Anybody know why they were so happy???


They were only in two scenes. The first one was when they happily reported everything was good to go for the big plan. The second time was when they actually carried out the master plan attack.

Good reasons for them to look happy.


Ha ha, sexy but strange girls. They reminded me of the women from the Twilight Zone episode "Number 12 Looks Just Like You."

Hey there, Johnny Boy, I hope you fry!


Apparently, it was meant to make them look EVIL - serving their mass murdering master with utmost enjoyment. A lot of Bond henchmen and -women are like that (remember the chicks in Moonraker expressing great pleasure at the sight of Bond being strangled by a python... and then the terrible disappointment when Bond prevails).

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan


They're (a) thrilled by the feeling of empowerment they get from being part of Pussy Galore's Flying Circus, and (b) giddy at the prospect of becoming rich, although knowing Goldfinger he'll kill them all before paying them one gold cent. We're supposed to think they're not so bad because they believe the gas they're spraying to be non-lethal, but anyone with half a brain should know that putting 60,000 people to sleep during their daily activities would result in many deaths including several children and infants. So Pussy and her girls are pretty much nothing but greedy, self-centered jerks all round.



It would be hard not to smile when working for an international crime kingpin, they probably thought "Today Goldfinger, tomorrow SPECTRE!". It's a criminal thing.

Properly read, the Bible is the most potent force for atheism ever conceived. -Isaac Asimov


I don't know if Kool-Aid had been invented yet in 1964, but those girls sure seemed to be drinking it.

A journey into the realm of the obscure: http://saturdayshowcase.blogspot.com/


It's been around since early part of 20th Century.

Wikipedia would never be wrong.

I can vouch for it's being around in the 1950s.


Well, I haven't told many people this, but I was working as a mechanic on that airfield at the time. I made sure those girls ALWAYS had a smile on their faces.


They were all free to explore - and experiment - with their sexuality? They were Woke AF.


Since "Woke AF" means brainwashed, then, yes, that's a good explanation.


They're young, they're beautiful, they're sexy, and they get paid for flying airplanes! What's not to be happy about?
