
Started off alright, good titles, good setup, the dialogue was corney as hell in the space capsule, but never mind, we move on.

Then we flashback to England and it goes nowhere for what... 45 minutes to an hour (felt like longer) of fluffing about toing and froing. The main character is an undeserving ass, the scientist annoying and near pantomime, and I gave up just as the capsule got sent sideways by the wifey playing with a lever to get a better look of the Earth.

Less good science fiction, more cheep entertainment ala Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

Good for kids maybe... in 1964.


I had that same reaction. That film I wanted to like, but got sick of all the overdone 'comic relief'. And I kept wondering when in hell are they going to take off?

I couldn't stand the main character, who was a total tool, and that 'lovable' absent-minded professor was too cloying.

The Harryhausen footage is it's only redeeming quality.

I see it as that 'wasted opportunity' or possible 'interesting failure.'

I mentioned this on the board, and some butthurt fan gave me that 'Go watch Transformers' excuse.

Bet even some kids in 1964 were bothered by it's excruciating 'build up'.

Could have been so much better.


I guess I wasn't expecting &hitty &hitty bang bang


Neither did I, though Martha looked good. As usual, the hot lady ends up with the jackass.

A sad wasted opportunity, except for Harryhausen's footage.


I went back out of boredom and something to do. I can't believe I actually sat through 50 whole minutes of that tripe before giving up. And then it all started again with the chickens on the spaceship, cos you have to have fresh eggs after traveling for a day... which is a grand excuse for more broad humor... fast forward fast forward... pretty bargain basement Harryhausen effects to be honest, and the big twist wow the common cold killed the inoffensive aliens living on the moon, just like it killed the ones that came from Mars.

Amazing, what a twist Mr.Wells. Terrible.


Definitely a lesser effort from Harryhausen. Especially the little kids in costumes as the 'Moon People.' They said that budget was the reason.

Why was this handled as a quaint and stupid comedy? Never knew that Welles was a closet comedian.

That "shocker" ending, which was more depressing, was tacked-on, and was just dumb.

This is when everything had to have some downbeat "message." It continued through the 60's, and into the 70's. Depressing liberal moralizing. UGH!

One Major Wasted Opportunity.
