MovieChat Forums > The Fall of the Roman Empire (1964) Discussion > For once, “Princess learns of her Arrang...

For once, “Princess learns of her Arranged Marriage” done realistically

Usually in popular dramas and fiction the heroine is made to cry tiresomely, “Gasp! Shock! But I do not love him! How can I marry a man I do not love?” Which is an utterly implausible reaction, given that she must have grown up expecting to marry for political alliance; that’s precisely what princesses are for, after all.

Not in TFotRE, however. Instead we get (I paraphrase):

Lucilla: Daddy, is it absolutely necessary for me to marry this smarmy raghead who you clearly don’t trust as far as you could kick him, and go to live in his kingdom outside the borders of the empire where even you won’t be able to protect me if things get sticky?
Marcus Aurelius: I’m afraid so, darling. Sorry.
Lucilla: Bugger. Oh well, I’ll start getting my trousseau packed, then.

Love it!


Ha, agreed! I also love this version of Lucilla way more than Gladiator's - far more ambitious and savvy, which is in keeping with a woman who was executed in real life for plotting against her brother. In Gladiator she was a drip and a half-hearted love interest.

When darkness overcomes the heart, Lil' Slugger appears...


I thought this film was pretty great. The first half is stunning and the effect of European films - especially those from Sweden - is felt strongly prior to the intermission. I have blown this off for two decades thinking it a [probably] cheap-looking last gasp at sword and sandal Hollywood bombast. It's failure is legendary... but I think it failed because it's better than most of the films that preceded it (of this genre). Its very adult-oriented, very demanding on your attention. Every time in this film where a movie like Ben-Hur would suddenly produce some giddap!, this film maintains its pace and tone, to a public fault.

Only in the second half when most of the fighting begins does the film lose a step and become a tad more conventional. But I loved this and am about to score it a 9.

"Rampart: Squad 51."


In Commodus' shoes I'd have begun by announcing Livius' betrothal to Drusilla as well as command.of.the armies.
