Is it realistic?

Could an Emergency Alert Message send to bombers without an order of the President? I thought it needs his personal identification number from that card he has to wear in his wallet and a number out of the nuclear suitcase to give an order for using nuclear weapons.


Well...yeah, presumably in our world that is what is needed, but in this movie there appears to be less stringent criteria for action of that sort.


Thank you for your reply.
Now, I remember that I´ve heard that SAC also was able to start an attack without an presidential order.
But, nevertheless, the identification number of the president is missing in the movie. Couldn´t he use it in order to recall the bombers?


Sorry. Not in the Fail-Safe world


The premise of the movie is that the bombers accidentally got the code that the president would have sent had he given the order.

I'm just a patsy!


There have been accidents that could have lead to a nuclear launch. Take a look at this


including the millennium bug


Same here: uclear-war/ufqlx6p0?from=en-us_msnhp

Burdick & Lederer were political scientists. They might have had contacts in DOD telling them that accidental nuclear war was very possible despite DOD public assurances to the contrary.


Not very realistic. I think what works about it is that it feels like a nightmare when you watch it.


Is it realistic?

Technically, no, the entire movie is a total joke in that regard.


Technically, no, the entire movie is a total joke in that regard.

This is the second post where you state this. Maybe you can let us in on your reasons why you think that the film is a "joke". Sure, some artistic license may have been taken with some details, as it is in all movies (the B58 bombers being one example), but I would hardly describe it as a "joke". Please educate us.

I'm just a patsy!


More than a years has passed and the poster never told us why the film was such a joke. Not a joke, but a nightmare, one that you can't escape from.
"May I bone your kipper, Mademoiselle?"


There is only as much secret evasive actions in the movie that our govt would permit to be shown. It was fiction but scary fiction and shows what can happen with reliance on technoligy instead of humans. Remenber the Andromeda Strain?
A piece of paper got stuck in the fax machine and an order to bomb the town did not get thru.

But in that case it was good.


It may not be realistic in the details but a near launch of ICBM from the Soviet Union almost happened in 1983 when high altitude clouds were interpreted by their antiquated early warning system as incoming missiles from the U.S. It turns out a cool-headed Russian colonel saved the day when he surmised that the U.S. would not fire only five missiles on a first strike. That it would be an all out attack. Thank God, he was right. Interestingly, he was demoted because the incident embarrassed the Soviet Union.
