Corrado Zeller

I've never understood some of the reviews I've read that say that Zeller is a caring, sensitive character. I think he's the complete opposite.

To me, he seems intent on exploiting Giuliana's vulnerability. The scene where she goes looking for him in his hotel for help and he starts undressing her is one I find very difficult to watch.

It's almost as though he has no sense of shame. In his final scene in the film, Giuliana tells him that he hasn't been able to help her and he just walks out and doesn't say a word to her!


I don't think Zeller is as cut and dried as you make him out to be. Certainly he seems interested in a sexual relationship with Giuliana (which I think she is really, clearly not in the right place for mentally) but I think it's her vulnerability and direct nature that appeals to and attracts him initially.


I agree that its her vulnerability that attracts him but I think the scenes in the hotel room and his final scene in the shop say it all.
