How did Elizabeth die?

It showed how everyone else died, but not her. Who murdered her?


I just saw this film and I remember her being in Alan Foster's room
trying to seduce him.
As soon as she admitted that she had died ten years previously that shirtless
hunk of a man(jealous lover) comes barging into the room and stabs her.
Alan then chases him out into the hallway and shoots him.
He then disappears into thin air after falling onto the ground.

Maybe this world is another planet's Hell. - Aldous Huxley (1894-1963)


But she was already dead when she was stabbed in that scene. The film never shows how she died originally. Weird indeed!


I guess she was already dead, but at the end he tried to make her go outside with him. She fell and rotted and deteriorated away.

"Cum Grano Salis"
