Most Amazing Stunt

Actors & Stunt Team, Circus World: Most people have seen the moment in the movie Titanic, where the boat slowly slides into the water, and the people on the ship sliding and grappling to find handholds to try and stay on the sinking ship. It's not a surprise to find out most of that was done with CGI and Special Effects. Quite a stunt to find out that someone did it 33 years before, with no special effects, live and in Cinerama. Granted the ship is somewhat smaller, not the behemoth that Titanic was, but it's still no small feat. Watch the scene for yourself and you'll know what I mean.

Donovan Montierth
Brothers' Ink Productions


Didn't think of that, but you are 100% correct. Soon even stuntmen will be out of business.... what isn't CGI will be done with Robots.
That's All Folks


too true. Also, actors are insured for too much money to see most of them risk any major stunts anymore...unless they are Tom Cruise and Jackie Chan, no other actors would ever risk it.

Donovan Montierth
Brothers' Ink Productions
