Cleopatra Casting

They could have found a better looking actress to play Cleopatra. The whole plot such as it is, is based on believing best friends would try to kill each other to have her. There were much better looking women that played the slave girls and Vestal Virgins than her.


I disagree. Amanda Barrie was perfect as Cleo and her performance is one of the best of the series: she makes the character so memorable with her charming mannerisms and adorable voice.


You are mad. She is adorable.


She is sweet and besides they say that Cleo wasn't a great looker in real life


Men were attracted more by Cleopatra's wit and intelligence.

From descriptions in her time she was short with a big nose and rolls of fat on her neck.
Definitely no Elizabeth Taylor nor Claudette Colbert.


film maybe in the top two Carry On films. 
