Becket and Bush

I just caught up with this terrific movie on the Turner Classic channel, starring Richard Burton as Becket and Peter O'Toole as King Henry the 3rd. The story line is not unlike what is going on today in the world and especially USA...then it was the King's realm vs. religion and today its Bush's policy ( christian evangelists ) vs. ? ( the Democrats, the population ? ). Don't know my history that well, so I don't know if the story is fiction or not. Regardless, watching this movie with its great acting by both actors, couldn't help making comparisons to todays climate. Becket gets assassinated and the King suffers his loss of a great friend who he had killed.


An odd perspective Harri. Perhaps if Bush ultimately sacrifices Rove or Cheney one might draw a comparison. But it would seem highly unlikely that either of them would experience an epiphany which would cause them to become "meddlesome". By the's Henry the 2nd, not Henry the 3rd. And you could quickly bone up on your history on line. The movie is fairly accurate...with some of the license taken which has always been common in Hollywood.


Odd connection it seems, Harri. Though "Becket" is one of my favorite films and Bush is one of my favorite Presidents . . . I don't see it.


I would say it's about the tension between Church and State. Hardly a new phenomenon, but it's a big issue in today's world.

I think it's worth mentioning that the real Becket was recently named the worst Briton of the century he lived in:
"One archbishop of Canterbury, Thomas Becket, who was made a saint, was nominated by Professor John Hudson of St Andrews University as the worst villain of the 12th century. He said: 'He divided England in a way that even many churchmen who shared some of his views thought unnecessary and self-indulgent. He was a founder of gesture politics. He was also greedy. Those who share my prejudice against Becket may consider his assassination in Canterbury Cathedral on December 29 1170 a fittingly grisly end.'"


"Hardly a new phenomenon, but it's a big issue in today's world."

I think it's always been "a big issue".



Henry II.

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe...
