Rest In Peace Tony

This movie was recommended from a message board, so I think I better check it out in honor of Tony Randall today. He died today at the age of 84.

A great actor, his antics were always funny.


Yes, Tony Randall was a wonderful comedy performer, but Seven Faces of Dr. Lao proves he was MUCH more than that. His amazing versatility and depth-of-spirit in the constantly-transforming central role show him to be an enormous talent who was generally limited by type-casting in the rest of his career.


"Every time you stop and think 'I'm alive, and being alive is fantastic!' you are part of the Circus of Dr. Lao." Dr. Lao


Yes, this was a great and very unusual movie. Tony Randall at his best. I've been waiting for it to come in from Hastings and it has been backordered.
Hope you get to see it.



I think I was about 10 when I first heard of him and saw him on The Muppet Show, then on Odd Couple; my dad was the one who really turned me on to him, and I'm glad he did! I can't really remember him on the show, Love, Sidney; must have been too young. Saw A&E's Biography of him and it was great! Loved his reaction to being a father at such an advanced age!

Saw some of Love, Sidney on TVLand as a tribute they were having to him. There was an episode where he and another man were entertaining kids at a birthday party and singing Pagliacci (sp?) while dressed as clowns! Such a shame that no one wants to release this show on DVD. I tried to contact Warner Brothers about it, but they just ignore me! Please get a petition going to release this!
It was bad enough trying to get Alice with Linda Lavin released!
