Tony Randall

Does anyone know:

What comments has Tony Randall said about this film in interviews?

What did Tony Randall think of his own performance in this film?

And what was Mr.Randall's opinion of this movie in general?


From all I have read about this film, Tony Randall thought very little of this film and his performance. I believe he thought it was a stain on his professional career. He was probably worried about what his peers would say about the role.

Clearly, the viewing public like it as it has been released in VHS and DVD fromat. IMDB has it ranked at 6.9 stars. I agree with the above-average ranking.

Too bad Mr. Randall could not embrace the effect this movie has had on many people. I was about eleven (1969) when I first saw it on local TV and was mesmerized. It was magical and hopeful.

Sadly, he did not see it for what it was: a fun-filled fantasy for children of all ages.

Yes, it differs from the book (which I own), yet, both film and book try to leave the viewer/reader with a lesson. However, the lesson in the book is much darker with political and social overtones.

The book should be filmed, again. Not a remake of the film. This time, I would suggest Tim Burton as the director since he has a quirky, surreal, vision to his directing style. If Burton sticks closer to the book the movie could be a masterpiece.

The only question is; would Johnny Depp be involved? If so, in what capacity?

The world waits... and wonders.


Tony appeared on the Tonight show with Johnny Carson shortly before this film was released and plugged it enthusiatically. He was proud of his work on the film and said so. His disappointment came from the box office take.


In the early seventies, back when everybody knew Tony Randall from his television portrayal of Felix Unger, he was on the Tonight Show with Johnny Carson (the Tonight Show was out in California permanantly then) and Carson asked him if there was any one film that stood out as something he was really proud of in his career and he quickly said..."The Seven Faces of Doctor wasn't a very good film per se, but I am more proud of that than most of the things I have done cinematically."

That's a quote.

I have never forgotten it.

George Pal, the producer/director of the film originally wanted Peter Sellers to play Lao (and all the circus characters) but MGM had just put Randall under contract (they had grabbed him up from Universal) and the MGM executive structure was hot to trot about using him in something.

They nudged Pal into using him and the rest, as they say, is history.


Tony Randall hated it. My wife had occasion to take a car ride with him when he was doing a narration for some opera program or another. He made his feelings known.
I personally thought the film was great!



The only question is; would Johnny Depp be involved? If so, in what capacity?
Off making a different film, enough already with this guy.

See some stars here


I agree.

The pinnacle of Johnny Depp was his stint as "Edward Scissorhands".

Since then, it's been all downhill, in my opinion....

(Sorry if I have trodden on any Depp-phile's toes...)


The Opener of the Way is waiting....
