MovieChat Forums > 36 Hours (1965) Discussion > Mission: Possible? (spoiler)

Mission: Possible? (spoiler)

One reviewer mentions that this anticipates Mission: Impossible. In fact this same plot device is used in the 3rd ever episode of MI:

That's also very good.

Of course, you keep wondering if this could be pulled off. I wondered if he had a pimple that might not have healed. It turned out to be something similar. But you've got to take everything with a grain of salt if you are going to enjoy these shows.

It's interesting that James Garner went from one film about D-Day, ("The Americanizaition of Emily"), to another. The films really don't contradict eachother as they are about different things, (the first was a black comedy with a lot of preaching about war and heroism: this is more a psychological study). But one wonders what would happen if the Germans had captured Charlie Madison by mistake.


Very funny idea! But you know what? I think Charlie Madison would have found inner sources of unrealized courage and perhaps even held out better than Pike. Ultimately he was a man of integrity, and his detached cynicism would have stood him in good stead in such a dire situation as torture -- better than someone of self-satisfied heroics, who expects more of himself and is likely to fold more quickly when he comes face-to-face with the realities of torture. Madison didn't have the self-absorption or self-delusion to think so much of himself, and that's the kind of person who usually rises to the occasion. They're more balanced emotionally.


One reviewer mentions that this anticipates Mission: Impossible. In fact this same plot device is used in the 3rd ever episode of MI:

It was also done to Ness on the Untouchables, hmm same studio

See some stars here
