More favorite lines

General Allison: "We've got to know if they're playing games with us, Major."

Major Pike: "I've never had my ear used for an ashtray."

Major Gerber: "Karl, it takes overnight just to dye his hair!"

Major Gerber: "Jeff, don't you know me? It's Walt. Or Anna?"

Otto Schack: "And he suspects nothing, huh?"

Otto Schack: "This man was trained to use his head for something
else besides a target."

Otto Schack: "You don't remember me, Major? Otto Schack."

Otto Schack: "What the brain sometimes forgets, the tongue remembers."

Major Gerber: "Something in here tip you off?"

Major Gerber: "So you didn't know from the beginning."

Major Pike: "Still a Major? I thought by now you'd be at least a Colonel."
Major Gerber: "Or maybe even a Sergeant."

Major Gerber: "You've got your job Major, and I've got mine."

Sgt Ernst: "Wunderbar, Now I have a chance to practice my English."
