
Why was the crew completely men??


Because in those days women did not serve on ships.


For comparison, Star Trek was quite a bit ahead of its time regarding women in uniform. It has only been in the last couple of years that women have been allowed to serve on submarines, specifically Tridents, and in a very limited capacity. When VTTBOTS was made, women were not serving on ships at all.


This year (2106) marks the first year that the US Navy is allowing women into the submarine service on a permanent basis. Previously it was on a "very" limited basis, mostly as trials. To my knowledge, none were made permanent submarine service. It has been mentioned in the news a few times as it is one of the last billet restrictions in the Navy for women.

Women have served on surface ships for some time but even that began on ships that were considered primarily non-combatants, such as auxiliary or amphibious ships. It was not until more recently that they began to serve on the carriers, cruisers, and destroyers. The women admitted into the program should be at submarine training school at the moment. The first to move into billets on the boats will be in the near future.

So no women on the Seaview was perfectly logical. It took 50 years for that to change.


Because in the '60's, the submarine service was a sausage fest.
And "Voyage" was the most testosterone-soaked show on television. I think there a total of four female characters in the fourth season, only two of which actually had speaking roles.
