Deadly Creature Below! cliffhanger

Did they cut something, or just cheat us? At about 3/4 through the episode, Dobbs and Hawkins are about to shoot Nelson just before the break. But when we come back from the break, they are already in the flying sub! What happened to the cliffhanger?!?

"Home is where they don't want you to leave." (Stephen King, Revival)


There was indeed a scene missing. (From the DVD): As they returned from the break, Dobbs pushes Hawkins's gun aside and says quietly, "Are you crazy?" He then leads Hawkins over to the flying sub hatch. As he starts to open it he says, "If you shoot the Admiral, they'll lock this place up so tight we'll never get away." Then they both enter the Flying Sub.


Thanks! I thought I was going crazy. :-)

"Home is where they don't want you to leave." (Stephen King, Revival)
