The Holiday vs the Party

It's getting to that time of year again, roasted chessnuts, unwanted xmas presents, annoying relatives, rubbish xmas television. It's a shame that neither of the Steptoe and Son Christmas specials seem to be on TV.

Which episode do you prefer, 1973's 'The Party' in which harold plans a good old knees up but is thwarted by his father's chicken pox. Or, 1974's 'The Holiday' in which his plan for a holiday without his father finally happens?

Personally 'The Party' gets my vote for the sheer brilliance of the dialogue and Albert's recollection of Elsi Harman. However, the pathos of the 1974 programme is quite touching.


The Party is better. They are always on TV at crimbo!


the second X-mas special is quite good. other than the fact that it's the last ever episode, in it we find out a couple of things that help understand Harold and Albert's relationship through the years, plus in the end Harold gets the beter of Albert for the first time.


The party has always been my fave.
I always start watching it in November, and watch it quite a few times before Xmas day...
It has the most wonderful atmosphere, esp where they make the punch...a wonderful sense of British christmas time..



I prefer the 73 the party but 74 was good and has a special place in my heart because it was their last. Will these be released on dvd? I hope so.



The Holiday - Harold at last puts one over on the old man!
