Funniest lines

Which quotes from the show particularly stick out as humorous to you?

One of my favorites is in Curse of Anubis when Jonny and Hadji are zipping around on the motor scooter, and told to stop:

Jonny: "Sorry, don't speak Egyptian!"
Hadji: "Me neither!"

Maybe it's just the delivery, but it's hilarious to me.


In "Attack of the Tree People", they put an alert out on the radio. It said something like: "...Jonny Quest, and Hadji--that's H-A-D-J-I". Actually felt they had to spell Hadji's name out...


I can't remember which episode, but Hadji responds to a question from Jonny with, "Don't ask me, I'm from Missouri!"

"Fortunately, Ah keep mah feathers numbered for just such an emergency!"


Race: "Hadji, spell 'Mississippi.'"
Hadji: "M-I-S... Did you want the river or the state?"


Not a quote per se, but the fact that on a geological survey trip up the Amazon, Race has brought along a bazooka. You know, "just in case."
