about the movie..

this is a great movie about russian young life and friendship and what it was 50 years ago. Its very entertaining, its great for the young generation to watch. The movie mostly is centered around 4 teenagers. Good for young kids to watch (might learn something) and great for adults (might remember what life was like).I really enjoyed this movie.


Is this film available in DVD?


try searching russian dvd stores online. might be there. maybe ebay? the movie that i have I got it from someone and the quility i would have to say is dvd or so..pretty good


Thank you! I will try again! My girlfriend is Russian, but she didn't find this film with French subtitles (as I asked her because I'm French).


It's quite wonderful indeed. You should check out some works by Eldar Ryazanov and Mikhail Kozakov as well if you're into Soviet nostalgia.


it be hard to find alot of older russian movies with french subtitles. Your best bet would probably be English (im guessing and saying at same time based on experience) . You might just google search subtitles for movies. Your gf might be able to find some kind of subtitles on russian web sites. good luck!


You are right. It's easy to find films with English subtitles. I have already some films like this!
