
I missed five minutes or so in the film. What happened to the violinist that the corporal met and fell for? Was she the the girl with the soldier he punched in the bar? If so what turned her from being the nice woman she was into a prostitute?


Regine (Romy Schneider) dumps Corporal Chase (George Hamilton) for the other soldier that is a pimp. She is same girl that Corporal Chase fights with at the bar. However she makes it plain that she is not interested in Corporal Chase but in the other soldier/pimp/hustler. In time of war people need to do what they need to do in order to survive, so she chooses the other soldier. I was confused about this scene when I was saw it. However after reading several articles regarding the movie, I got the explanation in one of the photos under "Victors/images" internet search.


BTW, that other soldier was played by Michael Callan who usually plays the part of a womanizing opportunist in his early film & TV work.


Thanks for the explanation. I thought the only way it made sense is if she was the violinist but she looked so different it just wasn't clear. I also didn't pick up that he was a pimp. Rewatching the scene it makes more sense but I wouldn't have gotten that just by watching on my own.


Romy Schneider, who played Regine, was a beautiful and talented actress and she played the lead in The Cardinal in the same year. Unfortunately, she died while still fairly young.
