Kissing Orson Welles

What's with Orson kissing the little old guy on the mouth?! Hilarious.

Overall a rather melodramatic film… For me Burton manages to pull it off but Liz just doesn't cut it. My favorite scene was between Maggie Smith and Burton. Two great actors rising above the mediocrity.

Interesting to hear Rod Taylor speak with his native accent. I enjoyed his performance.

Welles and Rutherford where fun but certainly over the top.

An interesting film to have seen but not one I am likely to revisit any time soon.


Interesting you would complain about Taylor here. Do you not like her in general, or merely feel this particular performance fell below her usual standard?

I thought she was quite good in this film.


I loved her in WHO'S AFRAID OF VIRGINIA WOLFF. I thought she was the best thing in CAT ON A HOT TIN ROOF. Great in BUTTERFIELD 8.

Perhaps it was the dialogue, the direction, even the staging but she just seemed overly melodramatic in an already melodramatic film.

Just one man's opinion.


Well, i don't love Taylor in everything, but I think she was very good here.

She certainly was convincing in the part.


Seems like Orson decided his character was gay, doesn't it.
