MovieChat Forums > Tystnaden (1964) Discussion > Am i dump or what????

Am i dump or what????

How this movies has to do with God??!!

Really,Bergman is one of my top 5 directors but this movie was sublime boredom!Even the exceptional philosophical issues Bergman deals with were superficially given, and totally without style or artistic value. I was really disappointed......


It's not about God, but with the absence of God. The eternal tragic paradox, that humans are born with a built in passion to find something that either doesn't exist, or insists on silence.

"Sometimes you have to take the bull by the tail, and face the truth" - G. Marx



I am curious why you felt this film had something to do with god.

It seems like you may be a little defensive and need to trash the movie so that it won't trash you. You are free to do so of course, but it would be a shame to dismiss a film like this from one of your top 5 directors.

In my opinion, this film has tremendous artistic value. As for philosophical issues being presented with a style...I have to ask...why? Issues like that should be presented with sincerity rather than style. Style in and of itself is more of the superficiality or the put on which would be disastrous for subjects like this.

Style would have simply served to protect us from this film instead of allowing us access.



The second poster is essentially on target. This movie is about the lack of God, not God itself; how an entity we're all supposed to rely on hides in silence (or more likely is not even there at all), while we live having to hear everyone else. It's about the gap between our earthly lives and our perceptions of what is beyond us. Hence the title.


Bergman is expressing the eternal paradox: either God doesn't exist, or is evil. What but an evil creator would grant us the "gift" for the overpowering hunger for meaning, for feeling the touch of God, but hides in everlasting silence? It's basically the same question Antonious Blok asks himself, when he pleads to remove that hunger from his consciousness, so he can die in peace.

You know you should surrender
But you can't let it go...
