best detective movie ever

this movie is the best detective movie ever. everyone should see this along with seven samuri

The Film Freak


I second that. While your at it, pick up Rashomon. One of, if not the first and finest "courtroom" drama.



One of the best crime movies of all time, and has top knotch social commentary.

"I really do have love to give. I just dont know where to put it."


Very good movie. There is so much going on. The investigation of the heroin, then why the "mysterious" person picked on Gondo-san, the kidnapped kid trying to remember where he was being held, this movie is great on some many levels. And I would have to agree with that this movie does have a top knotch social commentary. Great movie! I didn't think there were any boards for this film.



True. This was a pretty good film in the "crime" drama. Kurosawa impresses yet again.

Tarantino movies are like arcade style video games.


I'm not usre if this is my favorite detective film of all time, but I think it's my favorite noir. Once again, Kurosawa shows he's a versatile master of cinema.


I would definitely consider it among the best detective films. I personally felt that the ending was to long. For me the film lost some momentum in the final fifteen to twenty minutes or so, the period where they start tailing the kidnapper.


what would your runner ups be?


My tops would be The Maltese Falcon and Chinatown, for sure. This is a good film, but I find it rather interesting that much of the technique is actually lifted from Ikuru. Now, I don't mean the way everybody interprets things incorrectly and can't piece it together until the end, as much as that life deals you weird hands and you have to play the cards you're dealt with. I don't believe this is one of the Master's best, but all his films are worth watching repeatedly.


It's definitely among the best there is in detective films. So involving and emotional and lots of suspense.

Last Seen:
High and Low (1963) - 10/10

