
I watched this movie maybe five or six years ago, and I don't remember very much (I remember seeing Mifune in a suit for the first time in that classy apartment, looking totally bada ss; following the kidnapper through the smoky alleys; the long drawn-out, yet surprisingly suspenseful, police method scene).

I just watched M about a week ago, and after looking back on some of the descriptions of this movie, and the few memories I have, I've noticed some similarities. Is it just me or does High and Low take a lot from M?


Okay, just watchd, and although the movie is very unique, I get the feeling there was at least an influence- especially with the final scene with the kidnapper.


Watching this last night, I was thinking the exact same thing...the step-by-step procedure to catch the kidnapper, the tailing through the streets, the dark, noir atmosphere, and most importantly, the very end, when in both films we finally hear the perpetrator speak and get his side of the story, humanizing them a bit. they definitely stand apart as great films in their own right, but the similarities are definitely there.



I just finished this and even before I came here I was thinking of M. I think the very tense chase/trailing scene that is present in both movies is what did it.


I think M. and High & Low are very different. They are alike in their police procedure detail, but in M. the whole world turns against one undesirable, whereas in High and Low you feel that Mifune is mercfully safe on his hil from a swamp of scum bellow. M shows how alike all levels of society are, while H&L insists on he dangerous effects of stark inequalities


I thought M too!!!!! And obv Mel Gibson in Ransom! Definitely on a par with M!

Whacked Tom Cruise http://good-times.webshots.com/photo/2196812000100119259ULHDOv


I thought M too! Both 9/10!

Whacked Tom Cruise http://good-times.webshots.com/photo/2196812000100119259ULHDOv


I thought there was a little influence from "M", but I also saw how much this movie influenced "The French Connection". The whole part with all the cops on the street following the kidnapper was quite similar to the scenes following the drug dealer in the latter.


Yes I spotted that too I like those scenes

Whacked Tom Cruise http://good-times.webshots.com/photo/2196812000100119259ULHDOv


I agree. it also reminded me of the naked city by dassin. I love High and Low. love M too. not so thrilled with dassin's naked city tho'. not sure why. love other dassin's other films.


the naked city, and night in the city both pale in comparison to Rififi.

something was just missing in those other two.


i also thought about M while watching it, so its not just you. i was also reminded of the day of the jackal - all three are great films.
