MovieChat Forums > The Sword in the Stone (1964) Discussion > My turn to say this about a film - this ...

My turn to say this about a film - this movie is crap.

For starters, there's far too much padding in the movie. All that learning Arthur's made to do by Merlin (a) never gets used in the movie and (b) he never GETS anywhere with any of it.

For seconds, the characters are so badly drawn and so unappealing - EXCEPT the two squirrels which I'm sure were drawn by the same artist who did Thumper in Bambi, they ARE good. The rest of them were, I'm sure, drawn by the Pete's Dragon artist - curved jaws, naff expressions, cringe movements.

Thirdly, Madam Mim's never USED. One scene in an old house and a fight scene. There's no PLOT holding all the scenes together. Which is why I come to part four of this.

WHY only use the first chapter of the book for the whole movie? Why not at least bring in elements from the other chapters to flesh out the plot into a decent storyline?

This movie isn't underrated, it's just a mess. Now if you WANT an underrated Disney cartoon, that's the Black Cauldron. No songs (YIPPEEEE!!) GREAT storyline - almost anime-worthy in its own way and, as you know, any anime can knock the socks off any Disney movie - I've seen Black Cauldron many times and it grips me all the way through.

As far as the modern ones being 'forgettable' goes, watch Madagascar 2 (not the first one, second one's miles better) and Cars. And the new one, the Frog Princess which, for some reason, isn't getting the publicity it deserves. Now THOSE are 3 movies that will still be being watched in years to come. Not to mention my all-time Disney fave - Wall-E. Which I think was a VERY brave film to release, as it doesn't rely on humans for its heroes - if anything, they're the inactive villains of the piece - and uses virtually no dialogue. And STILL manages to be repeatedly watchable!

Disney's still making great movies. And, as always considering the amount of films it churns out, it's making stinkers. The stinkers, though, usually turn up on their TV stations these days and generate money that way.

I say 'Sword in the Stone' sucks, apart from the squirrels! Get Black Cauldron, or download Frog Princess (there's a good copy out there, I've got it) and watch a couple of GOOD Disney Cartoons (I suppose the purists out there will say the Pixar collaborations I mentioned earlier don't count!)

Yours respectfully




For starters, there's far too much padding in the movie. All that learning Arthur's made to do by Merlin (a) never gets used in the movie and (b) he never GETS anywhere with any of it.

Arthur is only twelve years old, and he just started getting educated. We don't get any chance to see him using what Merlin and Archimedes taught him, but he will undoubtedly use it in the future.

There's no PLOT holding all the scenes together.

There isn't supposed to be a straight-forward plot in this movie, but we get to see a few events between when Arthur first meets Merlin and Archimedes and when Arthur becomes a king. That's part of this movie's charm to me. It's different from most other Disney movies in that way, which makes it interesting.

WHY only use the first chapter of the book for the whole movie? Why not at least bring in elements from the other chapters to flesh out the plot into a decent storyline?

Because this is a kid's movie, and the rest of the Arthurian legend isn't exactly kid-friendly.

As far as the modern ones being 'forgettable' goes, watch Madagascar 2 (not the first one, second one's miles better) and Cars. And the new one, the Frog Princess which, for some reason, isn't getting the publicity it deserves. Now THOSE are 3 movies that will still be being watched in years to come. Not to mention my all-time Disney fave - Wall-E. Which I think was a VERY brave film to release, as it doesn't rely on humans for its heroes - if anything, they're the inactive villains of the piece - and uses virtually no dialogue. And STILL manages to be repeatedly watchable!

But are "Madagascar 2" and "Wall-E" even Disney movies? And last time I checked, "Frog princess" was doing fine.

Yes, it's true! IMDB has reached Sweden!


Don't blame the film for what it is NOT.


You lost any credibility you may have had in my eyes when you recommended The Black Cauldron. If this is "crap", Cauldron is 20 times worse!

Supermodels...spoiled stupid little stick figures mit poofy lips who sink only about zemselves.


The Black Cauldron was a disaster and it was made just before Disney re-animated itself to produce genuine classics again. Why not add in the dialoge for certain scenes in THE BLACK HOLE or almost all of TRON. Scholars of Arthurian legends do have points to pick with Sword but at a child level, it works very well and the animation is just soooooooooo lush and beautiful. Between this film and 101 Dalmations, you have a pair of films that are gorgeous and quite stunning. Add to that Jungle Book and the Aristocats and it is an incredible collection.

As for the Black Cauldron, watching the Hindenburg crash is more fun.


I wouldn't say this is crap, but I've been collecting and watching the Disney animated films for a year or so now and I do think The Sword In The Stone is one of their weakest efforts. Of course it's still fun and sometimes very funny, but it did seem to rely on laughs at the expense of other aspects and just never seemed to catch fire. Dalmations, Jungle Book and Aristocats are all better imo.


I don't think this is a weak movie at all. Of course, it's not a fun movie, but every animated movie doesn't have to be fun either. I actually have to applaud Disney for doing this movie, that sure didn't follow their usual formula.

Intelligence and purity.


Hey OP! Cut the stupid crappy rant about my favorite animated Disney movie. A crappy Sword in the Stone sequel is more crappier than this underrated Disney classic. I say good day and good riddance to you, sir. *Goes to add ulrichburke in my block list*




Agree. The squirrel is the only thing this movie has to offer. It delivers such emotion. The rest of the movie goes no where. And I really struggle to understand why it is called "The Sword in the Stone" Only about 5-6 minutes of the movie is about that. The beginning and th ending. The rest is just random situations.


I want to play a game.


And I really struggle to understand why it is called "The Sword in the Stone" Only about 5-6 minutes of the movie is about that. The beginning and th ending. The rest is just random situations.

Because the movie is based on a book with that name?

Intelligence and purity.



As an adult, my big issue with the overall story is what you mentioned: everything that happens to Wart from the beginning to the end doesn't contribute to him becoming a king. There wasn't a real resolution to account for everything that happened during his lessons. The biggest contribution was that it was Archimedes was the one that pointed out the sword.

That being said, the focus of the movie wasn't really Wart's transformation into King Arthur. It was more of a message of education. In trying to mesh it together, it got muddled.

It's not the best movie Disney ever put out, but it is charming and entertaining in it's own way. Sometimes you have to appreciate things that are flawed as much as priceless works of art.

"Oh my god you cannot just name an owl Carl!!"-Pottergoose


Of course you could just try watching the old musical `Camelot` immediately afterwards for the REST of the story as its also based on T H White`s novels of King Arthur.
And it starts more or less where this finishes.

"Any plan that involves losing your hat is a BAD plan.""


This movie is like taking the first act of a movie or first chapter of a book, and stretching it to a feature-length film, and then ending it.

It's like teaching someone to have great powers and responsibility, but never seeing how that someone uses those powers or how well he learned that responsibility.

It's like a Spider-Man-movie ending right after Peter Parker has made the spider-costume, learned the web-slinging and wall-climbing, and is ready to face the world and criminals as Spider-Man. It wouldn't make any sense.

This movie is completely pointless and doesn't offer any reward or payoff to the viewer. It's like The Matrix-'sequels' (I can't consider them as such, though). Just so much fluff and padding and pretty much nothing else. It's like "Let's waste time without any point or story and end when things could get interesting".

There must be at least dozen better told Merlin / Arthur-stories. This just tells a story of some kid that the wise wizard teaches, that doesn't really GO ANYWHERE beyond the teaching and one battle that serves absolutely no point whatsoever.

This movie is not really a story, it's just 'random stuff that happens and then it all ends'. If I want THAT, I have my life.
