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101 things we learned from The sword in the stone

#1:squirrels have ENORMOUS problems!

I look forward to seeing what evryone has learned from this movie.



If you're a wolf, being out of shape is EXTREMELY hazardous to your health.

Motion pictures are like television, only without commercials

Washing dishes and scrubbing floors can be considered black magic

If you transform yourself into rattlesnake and you accidentally bite yourself, don't worry, you're are immune. If you catch Merlin, on the other hand...

Despite all his knowledge of modern day technology, Merlin has yet to discover the shaving razor.



Cool Ice cold


Long Beards are bad for Airplanes

Enchanted sugar pots have a bad temper

The earth is plane, but will become round later

Love is stronger than gravity

A shouting crowd can generate a wind strong enough to stop a flying owl

Medieval castles usually have barracudas in their ponds



Nothing tugs at the heartstrings like a brokenhearted girl squirrel


so true!!

-> medival castle owners let random towers in the castle become crappy and unstable.

Sticks and stone, love. <3


When engaging in a magic duel never turn yourself into a purple dragon.


If man were meant to fly, He'd have been born with wings!!


17. The users above are incapable of counting.

"Toto, I've [got] a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore."


A kid who is practically anorexic can fall a hundred feet and crash through a roof without any injury.

Squirrels weigh more than a broken tree branch.

PA systems at tournaments have come a long way.

There are starving countries around the globe but Heaven wants England to have a king.

Straw man jousting opponents make good catapults.

Brilliant wizards would rather piss and moan than cast a spell for room and board repairs.

Arthur was ahead of his time with his American accent.

Warning: knight's armor will not protect you from a black eye.

A first time, accident-prone squire is the cure for amnesia.

Frogs lack hospitality.

Chicken causes indifference.


Disney knew how to make hollow, pointless, plotless, storyless movies already in the sixties.


*Female squirrels are nymphomaniacs.

*Small perch can carry broken spears in their mouth.

*Old men with long beards are completely unaware of their beard being tangled in the propeller of a model plane. Nor can they see it been held up right in front of them.

*Wolves cannot catch 12 year old boys no matter how accident prone and oblivious the latter is.

*A hefty blow from a stack of kitchen utensils can shatter the blade of a sword.

*Hot tempered men who are angry with young boys will trip over anything lying in their path.

*Even though owls will stick their head out the door to ask "Who? "Who?" they will withdraw their head, turn around, and step out of their birdhouse backwards.


Jousting is nothing more than one dummy trying to knock off another dummy with a bit of a stick.

Knowledge and wisdom is the real power.

Flying is not merely some crude, mechanical process. It is a delegate art.

Brain over brawn.

Don't you get foolish ideas that magic will solve all your problems, because it won't.

The trouble with the world today is that everybody is budding their heads against the brick wall. All muscle and no mentality.

Even in these bungling, backward Medieval times, you have got to know where you're going.

A knight must be of proper birth.

Kay becoming king was a dreadful thought.

There must be strict rules for small boys.

If you cross Sir Ector, you'll get up to 10 demerits.


Washing dishes is considered black magic
Enchanted sugar bowls are tempermental
Squirrels are nymphomaniacs
Beards are bad for planes
A yelling crowd can knock a flying owl off course
