3 Voices for Arthur?

I haven't seen this movie in a while, but why are three people credited for doing the voice of Arthur/Wart?


For all Disney movies, they have one person do the speaking voice, and one doing the singing voice. But for some reason, the person who was in charge of posting the cast list put down one of the voice actors (Richard Reitherman) twice.


Not true, it was only recently that Disney started using speaking and singing voices rather than one person doing all the voice parts per character. As late as Beauty and the Beast and The Little Mermaid you can check the credits and see that the speaking and singing voices are one and the same per character.


The little boy who did Arthur's voice grew up during the making of the movie and his voice changed. They called in Reitherman's sons to replace him and I think it sounds awful! They did this in Jungle Book and Black Cauldron too. You could never get away with it now, tho, I bet. It actually makes the movie funny when his voice changes from shot to shot. Funny, or really irritating...

"You can keep your pyroxenes, magnetics and coarse-grained plutonics as far as I'm concerned..."


I did wonder why during the fish scene Arthur's voice hasn't broken... Then when he's explaining it, it sounds 5 years older... And then it turns back again. As a child that kept me awake every night!


I never noticed... i feel stupid now! lol

ba da da ba ba! i'm lovin' it


was that the case when he was a squirrel and he was hanging on the branch shouting "help" ?
because at one point it was low then really high
i never payed much attention to it until now


I had always wondered why his voice sounded different so much. I never thought that it was different people. That's pretty funny.

~I want adventure in the great, wide somewhere. I want it more than I can tell.~


I had noticed the differences in Wart's voice, but I always just assumed his voice changed during production and they just kept going. It probably would've been better if they had, kind of like Charlie Bucket.


They did this in Jungle Book and Black Cauldron too.

Actually Taran's voice was done all the way through by one voice. It just broke that's all. The guy was 14 when he did it.



They did this in Jungle Book and Black Cauldron too.

Thankfully, with The Jungle Book, they re-recorded all of Mowgli's lines with Bruce Reitherman after the original actor's voice changed.


Granted, they can alter voices now to match. Maybe not perfectly, but not so drastically different.

"Oh my god you cannot just name an owl Carl!!"-Pottergoose


Sorry to ask this here. Someone must have pointed this out here already. I like the movie, but everytime the kid/bird/fish whatever falls down somewhere you get to hear that "hu?-what?!-whoah!!".
I found this very annoying. anyone else?



Hah, I thought that maybe I was goin crazy, but I too noticed this forever, lol. It just came on tv and I wanted to look it up to see if there was more than one voice for it, and now I know...thanks :)



THe old Menudo trick....when one grows up, replace them. 

Amanda Bynes is hot and Lindsay Lohan is not.
Profile pic: Courtney Thorne-Smith.



I think the voice of the first Arthur was breaking it could be the early signs of puberty.


Rickie Sorenson, who did the voice of 12 years old Wart / Arthur, was born in August, 1946, and so by 1963, he would have been 16 going on 17. A very strange choice by Disney, as the boy was clearly too old for the speaking part.
