Perkins and then...

Anthony Perkins' casting was perfect for numerous reasons, but has this movie stood the test of time. The symbolism of the movie is clear and the surreal Kafkaesque world is apparent, but do we really need to see it? Isn't the craziness, the insanity created, downplay the real horrors? I know this film is in no way a comedy, but it felt almost as if this were a satire of the Holocaust and maybe, if there is any real criticism, it is that it could be viewed this way.

If you go searching my rating, don't go nuts by the 5. For me, 5-7, are good films. The only real difference is whether I would consider sitting through it again. The trial, aside from Perkins' performance, isn't one I could do again. While it has glimmers of absolute brilliance and I credit Welles' vision for that, there are gaps of downright silliness that ruined it for me. Had his ego not been so grandiose and the film cut to 90 minutes, with a much more abrupt and dark ending, I'd have thought so much more highly of the film.
