Best line

"Really Daranyi; just because I didn't take one of your damn canapes"


I can't remember the exact exchange, but when Emily Stratman met Andrew Craig in the pub...

Andrew: "What's a woman like you doing in here? Looking at the girls' age in this joint, you should be in bed."

Emily: "I accept!"

(It doesn't look so good in print, but that's the best seduction line I've seen on screen.)


"I always take a brisk walk before retiring - it helps me sleep. It's a little cool out tonight - that's why I wore the towel. "

:-) canuckteach (--:


"You speak very good English for a non-drinker, Miss?"
"Greta Garbo."
"Hmm. Mind if I call you Ingrid?"
"Not at all."
