my project

hi in one of my history class, we have an project where we have towacth a movie n tell if the movie is the same o different n explain how n why. so i was wondering if anyone can help me.


If this be the subject for your school project I'd recommend locating a copy of the book "PT109" from which the film was derived, reading it, then comparing/contrasting it with the film (assuming you can locate a copy of it or it happens to be broadcast in your local area). I think you'll find that the movie's plot followed the narrative pretty accurately although some scenes were transposed out of sequence (probably for dramatic effect). Likewise the boats used in the film were not real ELCO 80-footers -- as I recollect they were surplus air-sea rescue launches purchased from the Navy then re-configured (convincingly) into ersatz PT boats.


Six Actual......OUT!


I hope you're doing better in history than you are in English.


I second that ... child you should be embarrassed!
