Stella as 'Stella'

... I didn't even make the connection while viewing the film yesterday in the theater.

It's not often that a character's name (at least her first name) is the same as her real name/showbiz name, especially when that name is not as mundane as John/Joe/Jane/Jill. What was Lewis' motivation with this decision? To parody and conjure with the nature of cinema (which is perhaps one of the film's overall goals, though its examination of desire, wish fulfillment, and their chimerical nature)? To elevate Stella Stevens' profile and give her a persona? All of the above?


I think the reason is because Jerry had chosen Stella to play the character, and hoped she would do it. She was his first choice, as he said in the commentary.


I don't remember Lewis giving any nods to Stella on the commentary. He was mostly talking about himself. They had an affair during filming and the only reference to her I remember was him saying she was pretty in kind of a sniggering way.
