Christ with broken fingers

Early in the film, there is a close-up on the hand of the church's crucifix. It shows that only the pointer and middle fingers remain [like a victory/peace sign]. What meaning would it have in Sweden, if any?


As far as I know, there is no special meaning of it. But then, its Bergman. Of course he meant something by it. We just might never know for sure.


To me it suggests a condition of the relation of modern man to the crucified Christ. Somebody took the effort to make that statue once because they saw a value in it. Has anyone noticed that it was broken? Did anyone now care?

(PRN) –


One symbolic meaning could be that Christ was broken for his people.

But also to the priest, Christ's hands are broken, he cannot help anyone.

What hump?


Or maybe, the decay of the church ?

Have you noticed that few people were attending to the mass in the first minutes of the movie? After the death of the priest's wife the priest wasnt the same anymore and people were gradually abondoning his church.

- He moves his lips when he reads. What does that tell you about him?


Oh, definitely.

But also, for a Christian - Christ is the Church - she is his bride and they are one. So if the church is dying or dead, so is Christ to the priest.

What hump?
