Bleak sequence

I'm aware of all the concern over this film and its cult status.
Most of the sequences I watched with interest, amusement, bemusement but no real shock - probably because it's 2012 and there are many things out there on the Internet and news that make this stuff look tame.

I did however view the bit in the german bierkeller initially with a lot of laughing - it's edited to make you do this through the drinking, dancing, then the subsequent light of day, post drinking bit, with the fight and the drunks standing up while sleeping. Then after, I thought how horrible it was. These people looked like serious alcoholics. Their lives probably have been horrible and if they had children, how horrible it must have been.

Grim stuff.

You go inside the cage?
Cage goes in the water, you go in the water. Shark's in the water
