
This is one of those rare movies that I would ACTUALLY like to see get remade. I liked the 13th Warrior and thought that a remake of this, with the effects ability of today, would be alot of fun. Maybe do it the the style of "300"?


Once again, take any movie more than a decade old and someone wants a remake. For God's sake WHY???????????????


Why in the name of all that's holy would anyone want to do a re-make?The first one was bad enough.There would have to be an entire re-write of the script.
Besides,you'd have to get Pamela Anderson Lee to do Aminah.She's certainly got the pectoral profile(if you get my meaning.)
given the present state of special effects,they could have the soldier sliding down the blade on the Mare of Steel,and actually show him being cut in half(the long way.)How's that for a gross out?


George Clooney and Don Cheadle. Clooney could pull off the tongue in cheek angle that Widmark did and Cheadle can play it straight like Poitier.


Remake it,but stick to the excellent novel this time.
The novel is much,much,better then the movie.
I'll Teach You To Laugh At Something's That's Funny
Homer Simpson
