Kirk Douglas quote

There is a line near the end of the film when Kirk Douglas's character says something like: "Evilis. Evil does exist" Does anyone know the exact line?


He is responding to the comment that the killer the hero is after must be evil, and Douglas says something like, "That is the excuse everyone brings up to explain evil. Hitler they say was mad. And he may have been. But not necessarily. Evil does exist. Evil is."


Yes, that's pretty much on the money. That's also the best line reading I've ever heard from Kirk Douglas. So chilling and understated, he never raised his voice. He was superb. I've never seen him give a better performance.


That 2 word line from Kirk has stayed with me for years, those 2 simple words "Evil is" says so much, it's perfect.


"Evil is" . Kirk spoke those words as if he knew exactly what they meant; knew from experience.
