
I didn't notice whether Adrian Messenger was killed because he was in the POW camp and so knew of George Brougham's treachery, or because he stood between Brougham and the inheritance. I assumed it must be the latter as the former is just too much of a coincidence. For someone to have two reasons to kill the same man, who isn't even from the same continent, would be too far fetched. But then why would Messenger have had that list and been suspicious if he weren't in the camp. Why would they have made him a veteran of the Burmese campaign? But it's a ridiculous coincidence to have to accept. Have I missed something?

And speaking of coincidences... on the same flight as Adrian Messenger is Le Borg, an old acquaintance of Gethryn. OK, that's believable. But then after the crash Messenger and Le Borg happen to end up next to each other in the water? Le Borg happens to be alive (the only survivor?), coherent and attentive and Messenger happens to remain alive just long enough to reveal crucial plot points? Le Borg happens to have a special photographic memory technique that allows him to recount those crucial plot points? Think about it for a minute. The random chance of two people from billions ending up in the same place at the same time at the very moment some crucial plot machination takes place happens twice! We're not given any reason why George Brougham and Adrian Messenger should have been together in a POW camp. We're not given any reason why AM and Le Borg should be on the flight together.

Suspension of disbelief is not something I don't have a problem with. But when we're expected to make such implausible leaps of faith it's plain lazy writing. None of this is necessary. For example if Le Borg were a mutual acquaintance of both Gethryn and AM, and was travelling with AM, that whole sequence would make more sense. As with the ridiculous cameo reveals at the end it reeks of disrespect for the audience's intelligence. I didn't know all these people had cameos and kept wondering why half the cast were wearing masks.

Anyway. I enjoyed the film quite a bit but I'm genuinely puzzled and frustrated by these issues, so if anyone can tell me why I'm an idiot and what I missed I'd actually be grateful!


I agree with your comments, although I was actually bored to tears by this film,
which was tedious, talky, confusing and totally undermined by the silly
gimmick of the stars in distracting makeup. I stuck with it, but frankly, I
couldn't wait for it to end. A total disappointment.
